
giaouuSolved after user's confirmation
I called you but no one answered. As for the fluctuation, I saw that you traded an order on the night of the 26th and the position was liquidated at the margin ratio at 19.76%. As the rate was less than 20%, your operation of closing was not shown in the system. Therefore, we're not sure what happened to the frequent fluctuation you refered to. In addition, the spread expansion you said might happen at around 11 o'clock in the night of the platform time because of the decrease in the trading volume of the market at night and the low liquidity. This is the normal situation of the market. Real-time spread fluctuation cannot be controlled by the platform.
giaouuSupplemental Materials
Supplemental Materials
The system frequently lost access to the Internet last night, and the spread was very big.

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XM swindled money from people. Fraud platform. I wonder if this exposure works or not. The server is stuck, too.
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