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Pelanggan yang terhormat, sehubungan dengan masalah Anda, Anda dapat mengirimkan informasi rinci ke platform layanan pelanggan 24 jam, atau mengirim email ke layanan pelanggan resmi, support@exness.com (pastikan alamat email yang benar) dengan email Anda yang terdaftar di platform kami. Jika Anda menghubungi kami sebelumnya, harap tetap membalas melalui email atau menghubungi layanan pelanggan online 24 jam untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Terima kasih.
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The ex customer service shirks its responsibility. I transferred a sum of US$300 to the wrong account on October 22. The customer service shirks its responsibility and says that it will be refunded to me after 30 days without any transactions or use.The ex company transferred the wrong account to me but deducted it from my trading account on the same day. The account was trading at the time! But when I transferred the wrong account, they ignored me.
2. Tanpa otorisasi, pencetakan ulang apa pun dilarang dalam platform ini, dan pelanggar akan bertanggung jawab secara hukum